National Legal Aid

National Legal Aid (NLA) would like to welcome ICLs across Australia and visitors to the website, we hope you find this resource valuable and that you visit the site regularly.

This website is an important new resource for ICLs on Legal Aid panels across Australia. Whether you are an experienced ICL seeking information on a complex issue or a new ICL seeking some guidance from an experienced colleague via the websites mentoring program, there will be something on the site to assist all ICLs.

The website is also a valuable resource for members of the public especially children & young people and adults involved in family law children’s matters provide information, news and access to downloadable brochures, as well as interactive versions for children, regarding the role of the ICL.

The ICL website was officially launched on Friday 19 February 2016 by Senator the Hon Concetta Fierravanti-Wells and went live on the same day. The website is now open for registrations to ICLs across Australia that are on a Legal Aid ICL panel.

It is an easy to navigate website and has been designed to be accessible on various platforms including mobile devices.

Key features of the website:

  • Legislation and guidelines relevant to the role of the ICL;
  • Significant cases (co- curated and sponsored by the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia);
  • Social science research including webinars (curated and sponsored by the Australian Institute of Family Studies);
  • National useful links;
  • State specific resources;
  • Access to downloadable NLA brochures for adults and children about the role of the ICL and supervision;
  • Upcoming events and training both national and state;
  • Access to the Family Law Section of the Law Council’s library of social science webcasts;
  • News;
  • Forums;
  • A national mentoring program;
  • The Home and About pages can be accessed by the general public and provide information, news and access to downloadable brochures, as well as interactive versions for children, regarding the role of the ICL and supervision.

We would like to thank the Australian Institute of Family Studies and the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia for collaborating with NLA to sponsor content on the website and for their support of ICLs.


ICL Website Manager

On behalf of National Legal Aid


© 2025 Independent Children's Lawyer / National Legal Aid / Branding + Website = { } s'99

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