Six online training modules must be satisfactorily completed. These modules comprise lecture style videos on social science and skill based topics essential to ICL work and are delivered by nationally recognized subject matter experts. In addition to videos, essential reading as well as recommended resources are identified for each module. Each of these mandatory training modules will require the trainee to complete online testing on the content of both the videos and essential reading identified in the module.In order to satisfactorily complete each module you must be able to answer all the multiple choice questions for that module correctly before moving on to the subsequent module.Only after all 6 modules including testing have been completed, will the trainee be eligible to move on to the second phase of compulsory training.You are able to save which module or topic within a module you have not completed and return to it by logging in to the Training Centre at any time. This will return you to the module or topic within a module that you were last working on.Modules need to be completed in chronological order and there is no opportunity to skip between modules.Please note: You must complete all 6 modules successfully within 6 months of registration to commence phase 2 face to face workshop training. Otherwise you will be required to re-register, pay the registration fee and complete all 6 modules (even if you have previously complete some modules), before being eligible to proceed to phase 2 training.If you are having trouble login in to the Training Centre, please refer to the Help page located at the top right menu bar of the website where you can find useful tips for troubleshooting. You will also find a link to submit a query with the website manager if you are still unable to resolve the issue.Please note: Problems that may be encountered with your log in or unexpected problems with accessing training resources need to be reported within 24 hours to the website manager by submitting a query. We shall endeavor to resolve the issue within 2 working days.Dispensation will not be granted, for failure to complete online modules within the 6 month from the date of training registration, based on technical problems you may have encountered where you have not sought to troubleshoot the issue or if unable to troubleshoot, where you have not made contact with the website manager for assistance.A certificate of completion will issue to the trainee and notification of satisfactory completion will be sent to the NLA training managers.Trainees who have satisfactorily completed online training will be directed to register for phase 2 of the training program.
THERE ARE TWO COMPULSORY PHASES OF TRAINING This phase of training will require your attendance for face to face training for a full day. This training will be facilitated by individual state Legal Aid Commissions.A schedule of all national workshop training days is published each year on this webpage. Please refer to the table of dates below to find a workshop training date in your State or Territory.Please note that on occasion your State or Territory may not have phase 2 training scheduled in which case you can nominate that you be considered for approval to attend another State or Territories training day where places are available.Phase Two National Workshop Training Dates-Perth, WA Thursday 14 & Friday 15 December 2023 (Friday 01 December 2023 is the deadline for completion of Phase 1 online training to be eligible to nominate to attend this workshop)Location: Legal Aid WA Perth office: 32 St Georges Terrace, Perth–Brisbane, Queensland Thursday 22 February 2024 (Wednesday 31 January 2024 is the deadline for completion of Phase 1 online training to be eligible to nominate to attend this workshop)Location: Legal Aid Queensland, 44 Herschel Street, Brisbane–Cairns, Queensland Monday 19 February 2024 (Friday 22 December 2023 is the deadline for completion of Phase 1 online training to be eligible to nominate to attend this workshop)Location: Cairns venue TBA–Sydney, NSW Friday 8 November 2024 (Monday 21 October 2024 is the deadline for completion of Phase 1 online training to be eligible to nominate to attend this workshop)Location: Sydney TBC –This phase of training attracts a separate $550 registration fee and instructions for payment will be sent to you once you secure a place in the training.We suggest that you plan the timing of completion of your online training (phase 1) to be no later than 1 month prior the workshop training you intend to register to attend. This will allow you an opportunity to secure a place in that training as numbers are limited. Once you have registered and paid for phase 2 training, workshop materials are sent to you for review prior to the training date.Please note: You must register for phase 2 workshop training within 12 months of the completion date of phase 1 training shown on your ‘certificate of completion’ of phase 1 training. Otherwise you will be required to re-register and successfully complete phase 1 training before being eligible to proceed to phase two training. Why can’t I find a training date in my State or Territory?For some of the smaller jurisdictions across the country it may not be feasible to run workshop training, in which case you are welcome to register for training offered in another State.Also, States may from time to time consider that due to lack of trainee numbers it is not feasible to run a workshop. In such cases we will update the calendar and we recommend that you check the calendar in case of any updates.What can I do if I don’t find a training date in my State or Territory that suits me?You are welcome to register for training in another state if you don’t wish to wait for new training dates next year. Priority will be given to that state’s registrants however spaces will be made available to accommodate trainees from a State or Territory that is not holding training that year.Trainees who complete both phases of training successfully will be eligible to apply to their Legal Aid Commission to be considered for placement on that State or Territory ICL practitioner panel.Completion of both phases of the national training program is a pre-requisite for applying to join a State or Territory ICL practitioner panel. Criteria and processes for eligibility vary for individual legal aid commissions. Please refer to the links below to individual Legal Aid Commissions eligibility criteria & processes for more information.NSW / For Lawyers - Under Panel Information PackagesQLD / For Lawyers – Become a Legal Aid Service ProviderVIC / Information for Lawyers – Practitioner Panels - Independent Children’s Lawyer PanelACT / Please contact Client Services on 6243 3471 and ask to speak to a manger or supervisor regarding applying to become a panel member as an ICL. You should then be sent out the appropriate forms to apply. The direct number to call ACT Legal Aid is 1300 654 314WA / Information for Lawyers – Practitioner panels and lists – General information about panels and listsSA / For LawyersNT / ICL Each module will contain recorded presentations as well as resources from subject matter experts and other essential reading. This content is mandatory to view and read.At the end of each topic area within each module are a set of multiple choice questions relating to the recorded presentations, and essential reading resources for that topic.You must answer all questions correctly to successfully complete each topic, and the module overall, before proceeding to the next module.Some questions could have more than one correct answer.After completing the questions on a page, press “NEXT” at the end of each page. You may have to wait up to 20 seconds for the system to check your answers.You have up to 3 attempts to correctly answer a question. If on the 3rd attempt you do not get the question correct you will be locked out of the training centre and will need to contact the website manager to have your access restored. Please contact the website manager via press “save progress & exit” at the bottom of the page you are working on to not lose your work, and so that you can next return to where you last saved your work.Modules must be successfully completed in consecutive order from Module 1 through to Module 6, you cannot jump between modules and complete them out of order.At the end of each module we recommend other resources should you wish to review additional resources on the module topic. These resources are not compulsory to read.Should there be any issues with accessing any of the presentations or resources please first attempt trouble shooting by viewing the tips contained on the Help page at the top right hand corner tool bar on the website.Should you still be experiencing technical problems please send the website manager an email and they will endeavour to resolve the problem within 48 business hours of receipt of your email.Before saving and exiting the training please ensure that you have completed all the questions correctly in that module/topic quiz as any incorrect answers will be recorded as incorrect upon your return to the training program and you may be locked out of progressing through the program which will require you to contact the Training Centre support team to reset your access.If you can’t finish the Module, you will need to save the work you have completed, exit and LOG OUT of the website. When you next log in you will be taken to the ‘ICL online Training program’ and from your course dashboard select ‘Continue Training’ to take you back to the module and topic where you last saved your answers.Clicking on the “Units” link at the top left of the module page will take you to the overview page and you will see what you have completed.To login to your course, please click on the “Login” link located top right of any web page. If you are logged in to your course, click on the “Continue” button on your “My Course” page.